Writing for Foreign Markets

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Writing for Foreign Markets. Make your freelance writing career go viral. To make more money in 2019, take your marketing abroad. Introduce your work to a global audience. The internet and social media have made this task easier, but it is still your responsibility to be proactive.

Do you like hanging out on Facebook, the symbol of social media? Facebook can bring you to the international market. Through "hashtags", you can find publications with similar content to your posts. For example, if you write about high school prom, you can write about increasing the cost of prom dresses, underage sex or alcohol. By putting hashtags into keywords such as from #designerdresses to #underagedrinking, you will find parenting and lifestyle publications throughout the world.

When working with editors from abroad, keep in mind the five types of stories that are most likely to be accepted:

Profile of a celebrity.

Abroad, the American entertainment industry still generates the biggest income. If you have written profiles of American celebrities and business leaders, and you still have rights, sell them to foreign publications as a reprint. Even if you sell all rights to one article, most of the time you can still write and publish articles on similar topics.
Margot Robbie - write a profile margot robbie to foreign magazine

Write a profile of a celebrity ie: Margot Robbie to foreign magazine at can be accepted by artist magazines in India or Indonesia and several other countries in Asia.

Travel articles.

tours If you are a native of Tokyo, there are always editors from London to New York who are eager to read your views on Central Park, the Brooklyn neighborhood in Williamsburg and the Bronx Zoo. Ditto for residents of Orlando or Vail, Colorado. Even if your city is small and relatively inconspicuous, use your imagination to turn local events or destinations into beautiful words for foreign tourists or local residents.

Write about the demographics of your magazine.

This is almost impossible for writers who are not familiar with the location of the magazine. In general, magazine editors are more likely to choose local writers who write about their culture. However, if you know some Indonesian-Americans, for example, and you want to write about how Indonesian people in America influence the community in general in the United States, you can swing into an Indonesian magazine.

Write about American trends.

For most of the world, America is still a leader in finance, culture and science. Many international publications want stories about how trends in the United States affect their countries. Magazines in Hamburg, Germany, may want to find out how their local retail sector reacts to financial security violations at Target. A trade magazine from Hong Kong might want a way to encourage customers to start using credit and debit cards again after a similar scandal. If it's just a simple trend article, editors prefer local writers, so it stands out by throwing something that only Americans can do - interviews with Target CEOs or Americans whose identity was stolen recently.


Another way to solve the international market is through personal essays, especially based on experience in the country of the magazine. Essays can be funny, political, or fostering cross-cultural understanding. In this case, always read the magazine before sending the manuscript that you didn't ask for - even if the magazine only came through a snail mail. Stereotypes aren't just offensive, they waste time and spend your money.

Here are seven international publications looking for material:

  1. WestJet! Magazine www.upmagazine.com Country: Canada Contact: website for online shipping forms
  2. In Lan Chile Magazine www.in-lan.com Country: Chile Contact: Roberto Schiattino Email: rschiattino@spafax.com
  3. female www.femalemag.co.my Country: Malaysia Contact: Terry Saw Email: terrysaw@bluinc.com.my
  4. BUZZZ Caribbean Lifestyle Magazine www.buzzzmagazine.com Country: Jamaica Contact: Fabian Barracks Email: buzzzeditor@gmail.com
  5. High Life British Airways www.highlife.ba.com Country: United Kingdom Contact: Kerry Smith Email: kerry.smith@cedarcom.co.uk
  6. Write a Magazine www.writers-online.co.uk Country: United Kingdom Contact: Jonathan Telfer Email: jtelfer@writersnews.co.uk
  7. GQ Australia www.gq.com.au Country: Australia Contact: Jake Millar Email: jake.millar@news.com.au

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